Toni Cannoli

Toni picture

"Eppur si muove"
                -Galileo Galilei

My first steps

My work experiences:

2020-2021 Level designer at Satoshi's Games
2021-2022 Community manager at Magic's Stars

"A lot of text":

In the begining I studied philosophy at the UGR (Granada, Spain) and have written some articles of dubious quality on political philosophy.
I spent some time working as a level designer and programmer on UnrealEngine 4 for a video game company whose business model is based on trade limited NFT parts that we created ourselves. I also spent time as community manager of models who sell their products. Beyond that, all my skills can be seen on GitHub or maybe a future blog, which may be better than this (wouldn't be difficult). Next, I share a video that shows the start menu of a game who was working with Satoshi's Games as a level designer with UnrealEngine 4 (it was my first time) after designing a pirate cave made with ruined remains of an ancient building precipitated in a "whimsical manner". In case anyone might be interested in the game, its name is Satvival and it was published on different platforms.

Game link